Download: Speak! - Beautiful Sounds for Interesting People with Fantastic Taste
Deep within Rochester New York, a poet writes the words his heart can no longer restrain. From the silent cries of the battered wife to the painful resignation of the orphaned child in Malawi, Amir Sulaiman intensely radiates the stories of life. The ailments of humanity are channeled through him into the eyes, ears, and hearts of the listeners. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and with that he speaks of change, of growth, of reviving life.
Twice featured on Def Jam Poetry, and with three released albums to date, Amir keeps audiences rapt on a global scale. When he isn’t touring, he spends his days cultivating youth in the art of poetry and style and giving presentations on politics and society. Dedicated to revitalizing hearts and minds, Amir Sulaiman walks the uphill battle without breaking a sweat, bringing a fervent beauty to the art of language.
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