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PASS (Pilipino Americans in Social Studies) is an organization at UC Irvine that strives to increase the representation of minorities within professional industries. We are presenting the first of a quarterly event called "PURSUING YOUR PASSION." This March, our theme is THE FASHION INDUSTRY and will feature a professional panel and a UCI student/alumni panel. Featured speakers will share their stories about college and job experiences, obstacles they have faced along the way, influences and inspiration, and all in all, discovering and doing what they love.
Professional Panel:
Dennis Calvero [founder & designer, CROOKS & CASTLES]
Lanie Alabanza-Barcena [founder & designer, HELLZ BELLZ]
Alfred Lape [founder & designer, LAVSH]
UCI Student/Alumni Panel:
Joanna David '07 [Stylist, REVOLVE CLOTHING]
Daniel Pabustan '11 [Business Affiliate, THE ILLIONAIRES]
Tiffany Vita '07 [Senior Allocations Manager, AMERICAN APPAREL]
Music provided by: DJ GEO-D
Special guest performance & lots of RAFFLE GIVEAWAYS!
When: March 3, 2010 | 6pm to 8pm
Where: Crystal Cove Auditorium | UC Irvine Student Center
Parking: Student Center Parking Structure
West Peltason and Pereira
Admission: FREE | $5 suggested donation for Haiti
*This event is open to the public
More Info:
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=322572305193&ref=ts
PASS: http://passatuci.com/